Chasing Wildebeests
So you might be wondering how "chasing wildebeests" will be relevant to my work in the Peace Corps for the next two years. Especially since wildebeests are indigenous to Africa, and would probably have a difficult time making their way to the Philippines (via boat? plane? trolley?). Well here's the story:
Many of my wonderful friends and family members have been visiting lately to send me off with positive vibes, and I'm so appreciative for all of the support! My Peace Corps inspiration, my Aunt Barb, came over last weekend. She was a Peace Corps Volunteer back in the '60s, as a classroom teacher in Tanzania. It was so cool listening to her stories, and one of them really stuck with me, and hence inspired the title of this blog.
One afternoon in Tanzania Barb was doing work for school, and her friends came by to ask if she would join them in chasing wildebeests. She declined, as there was still a lot to prepare for the next day. Later on, her friends came back with crazy fun stories about their chase, and she really regretted not going. So Barb said to me, "Becky- Chase wildebeests!"
So here I am, chasing wildebeests. T-minus five days!