Happy 2012!
One of my students asked me if I thought the world would end this year. That turned into an interesting discussion.
I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are excited for this year—I definitely am. Returning to school and my routine, I’ve had quite the boost. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so motivated at the turn of a new year before. I think it’s the combination of that plus having been here for four months now that’s making me feel pretty awesome. Starting to feel more like a local; I’ll be moving into my apartment hopefully within the week… The carpenters are working on “Filipino time,” running about a month behind schedule but oh well. I’ve just been collecting things for my new place. I’ve got about as much as I can afford for now. What else is new; I somehow burn through all my money. I am still keeping a notebook of my daily expenditures, all the way down to my trike and jeep fares though, so I do KNOW where my money’s going at least. My vacation travels were certainly not cheap, so that’s at least one explanation. But it’s fine. Those eleven days were amazing and totally worth binge-spending money. I’m no stranger to living like a cheap-o, so it’s all good!
Anyways, as I was saying, I’ve suddenly been hit with some major WHOO WHOO power! I’ve been having a ton of ideas for the upcoming months, and projects for summer vacation (which is April-May here). My fellow PCVs have been feeling the same way, too, and are working hard on organizing camps and workshops at their sites. All of my brainstorming will certainly result in similar activities, but I’m taking my time and I want to really get input from my students and community before getting the ball rolling on these things, to make sure it’s exactly what people are hoping for. And I don’t want to skimp on any of my efforts. So we’ll see. But I have a ton of ideas floating on, and will certainly be sharing those with you as they begin to take shape. But for now, I’m going to have to keep you in anticipation. Keep you hanging. That’s what the best writers do, right? Make you continue to come back for more. Which I hope you are. Although there have been plenty of lapses of time with my posts, I hope I’ve been able to keep piquing your interest and making you laugh at the silly idiosyncrasies of life over here.
My site mate’s mom came to visit recently, and it was so funny talking with her about what she’s been seeing. Her reaction to the daily things I’ve gotten so used to was really amusing. Her facial expressions when we were talking about bathrooms and trikes and such… it was hard not to laugh because I remember feeling the same way. Made me think about when I studied abroad in London two years ago and spent a ton of time traveling around Europe. Especially around eastern Europe, where things are much different from our familiar westernized lives. Just those brief visits to places without modern conveniences was a bit unnerving. And now it has become somewhat normal. Not to say that it feels natural by any means. But it does feel normal. I’ve learned that there’s a big difference between these two words: normal and natural. I don’t know if I’ll ever be served a plate of fat on rice and be like, “Oh yum!” These things continue to make me smirk. I’ve just learned to find amusement in these differences. Because if you sit around and say to yourself, “Ugh! All I want is some pork meat sans globby fat hanging off!” it’s going to drive you up the wall. What I’ve learned to do is to look across the room and see everyone else thoroughly enjoying themselves, slurping it down like you would with gummy worms, and just smile at how drastically DIFFERENT we are!
Okay I just read over the last two paragraphs… These tangents must make it sound like I’m sitting around, tripping on something, but I promise that’s not the case. You would just be surprised at how introspective you become when life slows down like it does here. Anyways I’m going to head off and take care of some stuff in my existing world. I hope you are all enjoying the days becoming longer at home; that’s always my favorite part of January. It’s 6am sunrise, 6pm sunset over here year-round, so I’m missing out on that, but it’s okay. Again, just different J